
Work it Out



10-31-2013, 05:58 PM

The nights had become more relaxing for Maija. Ever since she decided to let the past remain in the past and confess her feelings for Taurig, she was no longer tormented by the turmoil from both past and future in her mind. It was a relief to know that she had put her own wants before the possible return of a husband who hadn't even said anything the night he had disappeared. With leaf green eyes that only showed emotion around the cobalt Re, Maija was eager to see what her future would be like in Tortuga.
It was because of the happiness slowly bubbling in her inner core that kept Maija up. She hadn't wanted to disturb Taurig with her jitteriness, so she had whispered where she was going and headed out to explore the pack lands. The darkness enveloped her, welcoming her to the familiar settings she had grown to stick to in her rogue days. Fresh scents rose above the cool ground, one in particular making her question it. Unfamiliar to the rest of the pack's, but still had a touch of Tortuga, she followed it until she came to the source. The source came faster than she had anticipated and as a result, she bumped into a nearby bush on her left.
The source of the scent was on the other side, growling and commanding the bush's hidden body to be shown. Green gaze became icy and unreadable as she slowly stepped out from around the shrub. Slender golden frame walked on silent paws, head turned to the female that met her gaze. Maija's nose silently twitched in the air, catching bits of Tortuga, an unknown pack, and...Taurig. The golden vixen's eyes blinked once and she licked her lips before softly speaking. "You are related to Taurig..." An interesting observation to be made from someone whom had never met his family.

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