
The Plunder Plunders (Or tries to but like we lose every raid, so what do you expect)




3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022All Oozed OutOoze ImmuneThe Ooze ParticipantMammoth Hunter
10-11-2022, 05:02 PM

Ever since Grimshaw had gotten his new rank Malachai had become more focused on getting his ass out there and working it off. He wouldn't admit it but he was terribly afraid of being left behind by his boyfriend... That he was going to find out he wasn't good enough for the man he'd uprooted his whole life for and so he was desperate to prove himself and join Grimshaw. Speaking of his boyfriend, it seemed Grim had other things on his mind today and so Malachai would make an appearance at the growing army of wolves that Azure had called to his side, silently hoping that his boyfriend would arrive as well but determined to prove he wasn't just Grimshaw's hanger-on, he was capable of holding his own.

Azure told them to raise hell and even promised promotions for a trophy and the Klein man's eyes narrowed. Then they moved off to intercept the intruders. Malachai was not a politically aware wolf, he cared very little for the interpersonal drama of other wolves. Who'd fucked over who and who'd fucked who only mattered to him if it affected his life directly or Grimshaw so he had no particular ire with the pirates, but he was a territorial wolf and so instinct was kicking his brain into gear, the desire to drive intruders from his lands! The Armada wolves met the intruding party and almost instantly fights exploded into being. Bloodlust flooded his brain and Malachai instantly began scanning the rag-tag group of pirates, searching for his opponent. He was of two minds, looking for someone to take something from, someone he figured he could easily remove an ear tip from or the like and he was looking for the biggest, meanest looking motherfucker, Malachai was nothing if not overly confident in his ability.

[Image: eqRWCiM.gif]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.