
The Gift



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
10-11-2022, 05:39 PM
The pink and black fae beneath him held nothing back, and she gave him everything he was craving and needing in this very moment. Alastor knew Relm would never keep herself from him, but even in that knowledge, seeing how she offered herself forward to their carnal desires and the instinctual needs of their biology was as arousing as it was enticing to the predatory brute. Every shaky breath and pleased sigh he pulled from her lips spurred him on, the symphony of pleasure he was conducting with the careful and precise ministrations to her most intimate parts his masterpiece while he watched her squirm beneath him, for him, coming undone before his very eyes. Alastor would never grow tired to seeing Relm like this—wild, lusty, free. This woman he had with him now was a night and day difference from the Relm he had known when he'd freed her from Kefka's control. It was how he always wanted to see Relm and how she always should be.

Alastor savored the taste of Relm on his tongue, devouring her as if she would be his last meal on earth. When she reached her end with sighs and whimpers, he growled in response, a low and pleased rumbling to watch her find that peak. She was drawing out their time, holding back to make him work for what he wanted. It incensed the dark wolf in all the right ways and made him crave her all the more deeply. As soon as Relm had finished trembling through her peak, Al felt gentle yet insistent paws pushing on his head, moving him away from between her legs. Although he was loathe to leave her, he did as she bid, watching with smoldering, starving eyes as she rolled to her belly to present herself to him like a centerpiece to a feast. Alastor was practically salivating at the sight, the smell of her burned into his brain. And then she lifted her tail for him, allowing those abyssal eyes to roam freely over the work he'd done to her nethers, and then Alastor was unleashed.

The ebony and ruby wolf wasted no time rising to his paws and stalking over to her like a hunter, his massive body easily covering hers with his own while he gazed down at her. A slow grin spread wide across his lips, revealing deadly fangs while he drank in the sight of her. Beneath him, he could see the marks he'd left on her flesh the year prior. A permanent branding that she would carry with her for the rest of her days. Raising one gargantuan paw, Alastor pressed it to the top of Relm's shoulders, right between the blades where those scars began, and then he pressed down, urging her to lower her front half for him. There was no question or request in his actions. She would yield to him or he would make her yield. That same paw then flexed, extending his siam claws out to prickle against the raised skin of her scars, following them with a feather-light touch from their peak to their base halfway down her back. Then he slid that same paw beneath her and hooked his muscular foreleg around Relm's waist, tugging her hips up and back into his.

A sigh of lustful delight seethed past Alastor's gritted teeth when he pressed his hips to Relm's, giving her only a moment to feel him against her before surging forward with a snarl to bring their bodies together as one. Claws dug into Relm's thigh where he held her, his other foreleg bracing himself against the furs as he tore at the bedding with his other paw. Black eyes screwed shut, lips peeled back from sharp teeth, and Alastor lunged forward in time with his movements to snatch Relm by the scruff, biting down hard to hold her in place while he had his way with her. The Mendacium brute held nothing back from her again, but it wasn't the same sort of unbridged and crazed lust she'd seen from him in his blood frenzy after he'd murdered Kefka. He was wild, he was raw, and he gave her his all, but he did not subvert the passion he felt for her and showed her in their actions. He would have his Relm and he would give all of himself to her many, many times tonight, and he would mark her again and make her scream for him, of that he was sure.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
