
The cardinal sin

Manea ♥



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
10-11-2022, 07:15 PM

Manea's gaze fluttered a bit as Kavik's large paws caressed over her head and neck, the gentle affections making her hum softly with delight. She hadn't spent a lot of time until now cuddled together with him like this, usually enjoying her fun and then going on to whatever task her pack or family required of her, so this felt like a bit of a treat to see a slightly softer side of the wildly lustful brute. This wasn't exactly the thing she had brought him back to Elysium for, but with the turmoil she was currently situated in and not knowing when she might have Alastor in her bed to cuddle with again this was something she'd let herself enjoy. When she offered the opportunity for Kavik to ask questions about what had brought her to this point of laying in his arms after fucking her anger away, Kavik turned it back to her with a question over whether she wanted to tell him what Alastor had done to upset her. She considered it for a moment, wondering if she should just keep the transgression to herself and fight it out between only her and Alastor, but in the end she felt like Kavik might as well be at least slightly in the know since she had drug him into the middle of it.

She sighed softly while her paw continued to trace up and down over his chest and side. "I told you that Alastor and I were not strictly monogamous when we met and that is true. However, when he got together, we had agreed that anyone else we wanted to sleep with we should share with one another or eventually bring the other into the bed with them. We've had other partners and such all through our relationship. However, there's a girl that he has always been very protective over and very clearly has developed something more for than just a physical attraction." Her ear flicked with a bit of irritation and a frown pulled at her lips but she kept going. "I have my own fae that we started out sharing and I came to love so I've started keeping her for myself as a bit of tit for tat, but he's gone beyond that now which is kind of where you came in." She glanced up at him, her paw tracing over his chest and along his shoulder as she spoke. "It was a bit of petty revenge, but nothing that didn't feel was fair."

That brought her to today's clash, at least with broad strokes of the situation, and a slightly irritated sigh left her as she turned her gaze back down to follow the path of her paw once more. "Yesterday was the anniversary of our marriage ceremony. He never came home. That was bad enough, but when he finally showed up this morning he reeked of her and her scent made it blatantly obvious she's in heat." That was maybe the biggest slap in the face of them all—that he would so careless as to risk breaking the one law she gave him to follow. It didn't just feel disrespectful to their marriage, but to her as the Matriarch and the leader of their pack and family. If he were to get Relm pregnant she would have to be the one to carry out his punishment and ensure those pups were killed and with knowing how Alastor was with pups she doubted that he could forgive her for that and yet he gave her no choice. "So... That is why I nearly murdered my husband this morning and came to fuck you instead."

Manea | Temno | Ciemny