
The cardinal sin

Manea ♥



6 Years
Dire wolf
10-11-2022, 07:54 PM
It seemed Manea would opt to tell him the troubles she was facing, as after a few moments of deliberation, she began to reveal to him the details he didn't know. The Mendacium Matriarch explained how her open marriage with Alastor worked, the rules and agreements they'd made, and how both of them had broken them by taking their own individual partners. But where Manea had done hers as a vengeance, Alastor's seemed to be coming from a more emotional aspect, which made things messier. Kavik was quiet while Manea told him of her woes, giving quiet hums of acknowledgement while he took in the details of the skirmish he'd found himself in the middle of. It seemed the alpha couple had more marital strife than they let on. Unfortunate, but that worked out brilliantly for him.

The friction came to a head this morning after Alastor had apparently missed their marriage anniversary yesterday in favor of fucking his in heat mistress. Even without being in a committed relationship, Kavik knew that was a cardinal sin of any male. He flinched and grimaced on Alastor's behalf; oh yeah, the black brute had fucked up royally. The clash he had witnessed outside his den was just a brief glimpse of the fighting they had been doing, and was the catalyst for why Manea had come to him for some morning sex after nearly tearing her mate's face off. With the foggy details now laid clear, Kavik could see the fissures in the seemingly strong union between the Matriarch and the Commander. What an interesting position he found himself to be in...

As Manea finished her tale, Kavik breathed a slow sigh, still holding her close while stroking over her head and ear, letting a sharp claw dance delicately over the edge of her ear while they cuddled in their post-coital bliss. "Well, it worked out well for me," he remarked to her final statement with a bit of a sly smirk. "Do you want me to kill him?" His offer was punctuated by a husky chuckle, just a little bit of dark humor offered to her to try and bring a little smile to brighten Manea's face. Ah, but this was also a serious matter too. Icy eyes peering down at her, Kavik slid his paw down to cup Manea's cheek just below her swirling eye markings, guiding her head to look up at him until aqua eyes met his pale blues. "I'm sorry this happened to you, Manea." Kavik leaned his muzzle down to slowly and softly kiss Manea's lips, a far cry from the impassioned making out they did amidst the heat of their lusts, but right now it felt like exactly what she needed. When he pulled back, he fixed her with a rueful smirk and stroked over her cheek again with his paw pads. "So... can I do something with you today to make things better, or am I still just your means of getting even with your asshole husband?"

"Kävik av Fjellen"