
Moonlit Meeting


10-14-2013, 06:45 PM
So far the woman liked Tortuga, but she had not yet gotten to become a true part of it. There were wolves that she still had to meet, and family she had yet to get a hold of. The woman was a bit nervous, she had not spoken formally and forwardly to a member of her family about family in a very long time. She wasn't even sure how she was related to Viridiana and perhaps the dark woman she had seen at the meeting - but she knew that they were tied to her by blood, the smell was undeniable.

And yet here she was, not approaching them just yet, wandering one of the more quiet parts of Tortugan territory. The clay earth beneath her feet was cold, winter had brought with it frost and snow - but the cold was not as bitter as it was in northern lands. The healer was nervous, but being alone like this calmed her somewhat. She had always been at her best when surrounded by the quiet. The rustling of wind through evergreens, the scraping of animals against rocks and paths in the distance, she was never really sure if she was truly a pack wolf deep down, regardless of aiding them from time to time.

Above her the moon broke through the treeline, scattering over the ground below in soft lines of pale light. It was night - as it normally was when the woman was most active. Darkness brought with it calm, and eased her eyes into relaxing and focusing more naturally. She had given up on searching for herbs, they had died with the coming of winter and what she had stashed would be all that she held onto until spring. For now she was simply getting better acquainted with her pack lands...

and gathering the courage to go and speak with her long lost family.