
paralyzing comfort


10-14-2013, 06:55 PM

Honestly there was little reason for the young woman to verify his question but for the sake of both conversation and his progressively snowballing plot it was essential that Nibelheim sat and allow her to regale him with her woes. She needed to be fumigated of the burdens that her harrowing ordeal had saddled her with, their collective weight would cripple her and by association him. Any hope of recovery was firmly hinged on giving her the emotional releases so that her tattered heart might permit his entry without resorting to drastic measures. He had no cares for her tale other than to inspire camaraderie.

Nibelheim halted in his little ministrations to register her duress. He needn?t be told that her memories were accumulating, the horrors rearing up to tear her asunder and violate the innocence she still slung to. In time he would do away with those troublesome thoughts, he mused. They were not conducive to the environment he wanted to bring and so they must be evicted. Naturally it would not be an endeavor to occur overnight but she was already proving to be remarkably receptive to him as time went on. Perhaps it would be sooner than he thought. But first he needed to assure her that the life she had led up until now was no more and he must do so gently and without rousing suspicion.

The man ceased with his grooming efforts, deeming her acceptable for the time being and opted to relax with her. His options were laid before him now and it was simply a matter of choosing which avenue would be best for his newest acquisition. ?You not have to speak it.? Came his throaty hum, tone sympathetic but willing to give her mind the privacy to those gruesome thoughts until she was comfortable in disclosing them. ?Zat life is over, ja? Heal. Grow strong. Prevail in ze life zhey would take from you.? He urged with poisoned laced words, encouraging her to step into the steel trap of his control from which she would not be allowed to escape.

?You and I not so different.? The wolf took a moment to examine his own limbs, lacerated with the dulled wounds ? many of which were of his own make but that was not what he would confess to. ?Packs are funny things. Kind to some, cruel to others. But vhat makes one worthy of a comfort iz something zhey reserve.? He murmured. ?I was, like you say, discarded.? A blatant lie if he had ever spoken one. Nibelheim snickered, the sound coming out bitter but in truth was laughing at the falsehood. He had turned the members of his pack against one another until they descended into a beautiful self-annihilation. ?Pain vas our beginning, do not let it be your end.? Sage-like words had never once been spoken so wonderfully than from a serpents mouth.
