
Not My Brother Bear

Predator fight


The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (75)

Expert Intellectual (150)

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
10-12-2022, 06:57 PM

The trio battled it out, and it seemed the two wolves were winning. The antlered woman had released her hold on the bears rear leg, drawing its focus to her as she circled around to attack the front. The antlered woman had more of an advantage compared to Claire, after all, she was a few inches taller and she had antlers and what seemed like a couple other things Claire did not possess. That was fine, the Ancoran woman managed to make it this far without all of that! As Tenshi attacked the bear from the front and got hold of its scruff, Claire decided this was where they were going to end it. The decision had been made by fate, so she released her hold on the back leg as well and darted around to the side, keeping some distance between her and the bears flailing paws as it tried to make a last-ditch effort in throwing off its attackers.

Once Claire found the opportunity, she raced in and launched herself at the bear's throat, teeth gripping hard enough to make a chokehold. The bear's heavy paw smacked her, causing her to lose her breath but she dared not let go until its movements slowed and it could no longer fight. After what felt like an eternity of fighting the beast, it finally slumped to the ground, practically crushing Claire beneath it. She released her grip and slipped away from the bear, breathing hard from the effort of that fight. "T-thank you for your help. I've never really fought one of those before...but I appreciate the timing in which you arrived." She drew in a deep breath to try and steady herself, "Claire Ancora, a pleasure!"
