
Can't Drink You Away


10-14-2013, 07:15 PM

Dempsey was dutifully trying to keep the pups' spirits up and had begun playing a game with them while they anxiously waited for Alena's return. Well, in all honestly it was less of a game and more of just a fun activity. He was letting them see if all of them could all band together to take the older wolf down. Of course, he was going easy on them. The brute wouldn't hurt these pups in any way, rather he hoped this would build their confidence not only with him but in general.

Then his ears pricked up at the sound of a lovely howl from a voice he knew all too well. Alena. As much as he wanted to run to her, his first obligation was her pups. Jian had already raced out the entrance to the den by the time he turned around. He was not surprised by that to be honest. The poor pup hadn't left the entrance other than to eat when one of her siblings or he would force her. He smiled at the reunion of mother and pup."Go on, go see your mother." Dempsey nudged the other pups out of the entrance. He would give them their moment. there was no reason for him to interfere. Though he wanted to, so much.

Just as he was about to go and join the love of a family, something he had never experienced as a pup, a new sent was caught by his nose. It was male. A male he did not recognize and that did not smell of Alena's Amenti. A rumble started in his throat and threatened to burst from his lips. Just before the snarl could rip from him, Dempsey snuffed it. He did not know what this brute was here for, but he would make sure his family was safe. Dempsey moved closer to the pups and their mother, but his back was to them and he was scanning the woods. There, movement.

"Why have you come? What is your purpose here?" Instinctively, Dempsey lowered his voice. His eyes shown hard and glittered with passion. This was his element, and he would not fail her in such a time. The difference from this confrontation and every other in his life was his need to fight for another and not just himself.
