
The cardinal sin

Manea ♥



6 Years
Dire wolf
10-13-2022, 04:49 PM
Manea dismissed his humorous comment by claiming the right to take her husband's life if the matter ever came to it. Though it was said with a chuckle, there was enough of a dark threat underlying her words that made him believe the violet alphess might actually murder her spouse if she felt wronged enough. Kavik smirked to himself; he could only be so lucky for that to happen. As they kissed, Kavik felt Manea's body tense with surprise before relaxing into a limp, cozy state up against his, feeling her lips moving tenderly back against his. It was a small and simple show of affection, but one he hoped lifted her spirits a little bit. For all her power and poise, confidence and control, Manea seemed so... sad in the aftermath of the fight with Alastor. She didn't deserve to be treated that way. This was how she deserved to be treated, and if the arrogant ebony asshole wasn't going to give this to his mate, then the arctic wolf would be more than happy to provide what he lacked.

Their lips parted, and while he stroked her face, Manea leaned into his touch and assured him that he was already making things better. His smile widened, a casual yet roguish flash of pearly teeth. "Good," he said simply in return. "I'm here to help you get back as much as you want." Manea tipped her muzzle back up to his, which he happily received with his own, kissing her back with that same growing passion. It still wasn't that wild lust they'd just blown each other's minds with, but it was definitely hotter than the gentleness he had shown her a moment before. Already he knew where Manea's mind was going, even before she asked him her question with desire and longing swimming in her aquatic eyes. Kavik smiled gently, rubbing his paw pads over her cheek and trailing his claws down the side of her neck. "I'd make love to you all day, every day, Manea," he replied in hushed tones, placing a playful lick to the end of her snout before wrapping his strong arms underneath her forelegs and around her barrel to he could more easily shift and roll them over on the bed.

Kavik wound up on top of Manea, holding her close to him as she lay beneath him, their bellies pressed together and bodies pulled up snug to one another. He gazed down into her hypnotic gaze, losing himself in deep aqua pools while he slowly pressed a hind leg between her thighs to spread her out for him, then shifted to settle himself between her legs. His movements were slow, savoring, feeling every brush of fur on fur and each touch of her warm skin. Kavik's muzzle dipped to the hollow of her throat, drinking in her scent while he nuzzled along her collar and nibbled at her neck. A large white paw trailed down her side, following lithe muscles and sumptuous feminine curves until it wrapped around her waist as the other held her around her back. Kavik kept his gaze on Manea's all while he brought their bodies together with a slow press of his hips, breathing a heavy sigh of satisfaction before capturing her lips in another kiss as he made slow, passionate love to the Elysian queen.

- fade -

"Kävik av Fjellen"