
★ Follow the Fireflies

Random Weather Event



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Hunter (60)

3 Years
Extra large

10-13-2022, 05:19 PM

Malik's ears perked when he heard someone coming up behind him just after he had approached Artorias, turning his head to see the white and navy brute that had apparently also been following the fireflies. His half brother seemed extremely apprehensive about following the allure of the fireflies and that made Malik nervous about it as well, wondering if maybe there was something about them or the cave that he didn't know that he should be more cautious about. The stranger behind them didn't seem to have that uncertainty though and charged forward into the darkness that was subtly punctuated by the multicolored glow despite Artorias warning him to wait.

As much as he was drawn toward the glow of the lights, he trusted his half brother's intuition and knowledge of things so he waited, looking to Art for guidance. Eventually Art looked to him and motioned to the cave ahead of them, saying that they should go after him. Even though he was a stranger there was something that Art thought could be dangerous so it made sense to try and help this guy if they could. Malik nodded and followed after Art, keeping close to his side as they went down the corridors of the cave. "Alright," he agreed when he was given instructions on how to breathe and what to pay attention for even though he wasn't sure what could make him feel that way. Regardless, he continued to follow the light of the fireflies, keeping an eye out for the blue and white wolf that had forged the path ahead of them.

"Malik of the Sea"