
paralyzing comfort


10-14-2013, 07:25 PM

i am not what you want. i am a broken toy.
It was strange how talking about something that she went through was helping her heal, it was like putting Band-Aids on her wounds with every reassurance that he gave her. Every hum or lick was something that she had never had her first couple of years that she lived; instead she was always given a bite for every whine or a growl for every word that was dared to break from her lips. It was a parent?s job to hush their child and reassure them that the word was not as bad as the canine?s that abused her daily and yet that part of her life was absent.

Maybe being discarded from her old life was her new rebirth, or maybe there was still some string to be pulled with every nice gesture but right now she did not care. Instead she let a gentle whine escape her lips not really wishing to harm her throat anymore, it was already scorched by fire with how much she had spoke. She still did not feel differently about herself, she was still just a broken toy that would be impossible to glue back together. Half of her still screamed that this was wrong that that there was nothing good to come from such an interaction with someone she barely knew.

The child ignored her instincts, something she had done her whole life. The voice in the back of her head that always told her to fight was finally silent because she had casted it aside and was trained to silence its words. His voice registered to her again and slowly she pulled herself from inside her troubled mind to listen to him once more. Though another pitiful whimper seemed to escape without her notice when his grooming had stopped, why did she care so much for a thing she never had before?

As he reassured her all Cashmere could do was nod, her exhaustion was finally becoming apparent so her words would no longer come on her command. It was truth that rang in his words, that life was over and she was now to start again but old habits would still cling to her like a child to their mother?s breast. Again she bobbed her head to simulate a nodding motion as she then moved her head to actually look at him. Though she still could not meet his gaze, another training lesson that was beat into as a small child. She realized just how small her physique was to his own, how pathetic she looked against his soft coffee colored coat. Embarrassment was an every persistent emotion that made her ears grow hot and her face flush with color but thankfully she was covered in fur. They were not so different, but she could name over a thousand differences between them but that was not the point. Though she just nodded at his last sentence, born of pain.

(ooc)(she doesn't really know what to say and her voice will not work as she gets more tired. haha)