
Start To Make It Alright




Advanced Hunter (60)

Novice Navigator (17)

5 Years

Pride - HomoromanticSamhain 2022
10-13-2022, 09:40 PM
Asheila had kept her stay in the same wing as her other siblings to keep close though she supposed she didn't necessarily need it. She tried her best to really stay out of the way, make it seem like she was settling in nice and just didn't want to feel like a burden to any of them. She wouldn't be lying to say she was settling in, she was at least the best she could. She did feel surrounded by family again and all that, but it wasn't so easy just falling back into a normal everyday life. There was a long way she had to travel psychologically to really fit in she supposed.

With Bowen's return she had started staying in the wing that Ulric's children had which hadn't given her the chance to meet back up with Bowen since she had come back. She wasn't really trying to avoid her or anything, again just trying to stay out of the way and not make a big deal. She had made her way back to Bowen's room just for a short visit to switch out the pelts she had been using for new ones and then washing the ones she had used. Not that she was dirty or anything, but she just had the gesture on her mind. It was on her way back out of her sister's room that she had actually physically bumped into her, dropping and tripping over the couple furs she was getting ready to go wash. "Sorry," She was quick in a nervous chuckle, a bit of panic washed over her but mostly just came off in some sort of embarrassment. "Bowen." She kept her gaze down at the pelts as she scrambled to gather them back up. She wasn't about to just run off and flee, she did want to see her sister again. She just hadn't wanted to seem so desperate. She still had to play off this completely normal and fine attitude after all. "I was just switching out the pelts for you."

"Asheila Carpathius"