
Moonlit Meeting



10-14-2013, 07:26 PM

As Io was out and about in the quiet night of Tortuga, Maija was in the same area. She hadn't been able to sleep, for thoughts of Rotterdam had begun to haunt her dreams. It was the only place she could get away from him and now he was practically with her everyday. The only time she could have him disappear from her thoughts was when she was with Taurig... A smile flickered across her dark face as she thought of the cobalt King. He was her cobalt King and that had a nice ring to it. The happiness that was slowly dawning whenever she spent time with him was a strange feeling indeed for the female to have, which only made her thoughts more stressful. How could she be thinking of Taurig when she was still bounded by the laws of marriage to another wolf? So stressful.
With all of her emotions coiled inside of her, Maija had left the confined warmth of her den. She had stood outside of it, embracing the cold night temperatures and the chill that woke her up. If she listened for a minute or two, she could hear the even and unlabored breathing of Taurig's sleeping form. Another smile had flickered across her golden maw, but it didn't stay as she walked away from her home and down to the valley.
By the time she had made it to the familiar hunting grounds, she was still a bottle of mixed emotions. The turmoil in her head was effecting her heart and she just wanted to lay down and cry, let it all out, and tell someone. But, the way she had been guarded in the relationship with her husband's alter ego prevented her from breaking down all of her walls. Trust was something that didn't come easily to the golden fae, especially when she met strangers she knew nothing about. It was this thought that wrapped around the recent ones of her lost husband when she saw a white light moving across the ground. Maija stopped in the shadows, green eyes watching silently as the light continued to move. A scent reached her nose and a vivid image of the albino wolf from the pack meeting arose. Paranoia kept her from making her presence known, but she knew that her own scent would probably travel just as quickly as the other's had. So, she waited to see what the white wolf would do.

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