
The Plunder Plunders (Or tries to but like we lose every raid, so what do you expect)




Intermediate Fighter (50)

Advanced Navigator (85)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
10-15-2022, 01:49 PM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2022, 03:38 PM by Xarae. Edited 1 time in total.)
It felt like she had just been speaking with her father yesterday about the dangers of the Pirate King, although logically she knew some time had passed - but scarcely a few weeks. Makara felt the blood rush to every extremity as she put herself into motion, answering Azure's call to arms. She let his words roll through just like her adrenaline until her entire body was buzzing. These wolves are dangerous, their crimes against us and ours are vast. First, as he had previously instructed, she had been helping with the youngest additions to the pack - she wasted no time in ushering them into safety alongside their healers, not afraid to nip at their heels if anyone lagged. Finally it felt like she had a purpose. Then Makara tightened her boots, made sure her googles were secure, and spun on her heels and raced back to where the fighting had broken out. Her heart beat like a trapped bird. No, no, no, not a bird! Something wild and fierce! A cougar! But a cat stalked with precision and grace, and this felt nothing like that.

She gave up on metaphors once she hit the thick of the fighting. There wasn't time for anything but action - not even any time for words. Makara barely spotted her father in the mess of it all, just in time to release a strangled noise of shock as she watched the wolf known as King excise the end of his tail from his body. But he told he had told her under no circumstances to approach. She blinked rapidly, assessing the remaining opponent options - Aris had broken free from her own opponent, leaving him available. He was old and grizzled, would that make it easier? Mak wasn't sure, but she circled around him quickly until her body was on his right side, her head parallel with his right rear haunch. Just a second of hesitation and she snaked her head in, jaws agape, to dig her teeth in to the right side of his butt like she'd tear into a deer for dinner.

Makara vs Ares for Minor Maim (Right Side Haunch/Butt Scarring)
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Spiked goggles
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather booties
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Intermediate Navigator