



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-14-2013, 08:11 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 08:12 PM by Erani.)

Erani didn?t miss the pause, or the tightening of Deteste?s face, before he spoke. Her ears pressed forward to listen. So he had heard of the war. And Amenti was coming into it? ?I can tell you what I know.? She offered gently, then listened as he told her of what had happened. When he finished, she nodded, taking it all in. Then she organized her thoughts and spoke.

?I will tell you what I know of what happened; how it started, and so on. One of our Betas was lost in a flood last Spring. Her daughter, Liberty, didn?t handle it well, and wandered, and happened upon Glaciem?s king, Isardis. Instead of avoiding him, she tempted him, perhaps feeling that maybe this would help her feel better. When she realized she would be little more than property and a brood female in his pack, she ran home. A day or so later, he arrived at our borders, intending to collect her. Chrysanthe refused him, and he issued a challenge, which took place a few days later. It didn?t go well. Chrysanthe had ordered us all that only five other Valhallans were to come. The council, and my daughter, Surreal. Chrysanthe won the challenge, but on of our younger members disobeyed her and snuck onto the field to watch, and when the healer arrived late, making six wolves, Isardis? Duchess challenged for Chrysanthe?s mate. She won that challenge.

?Chrysanthe ordered Cormalin to fight Isardis? son, Taurig, but Cormalin refused. Taurig later left Glaciem, and took over Tortuga?s lands, after their most recent disbanding. He?s a good leader, and I?ve had the honor of adopting him as my own. He has formed an alliance with Valhalla. We ourselves are preparing for war, and training hard.?
Deep blue pools rested on Deteste?s cerulean gaze as she let the information sink in and be considered. Then she dipped her head. ?And I have no doubt that you will win back Amenti and reclaim your home. I gathered herbs in Red Forest, before Amenti claimed it. It?s a beautiful place, and reminds me of my birth territory.? It was, indeed, achingly similar.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think