
How Quickly Things Change



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
10-16-2022, 10:47 PM
Tamsyn could see the realization of just how much time had been missed as she spoke about the loss of Resin and how long it had been since her passing. Still, to her daughter's credit, she kept her composure and asked after the others of their family regardless. She knew all of her children were strong, bright individuals, but sometimes she was still amazed and so very proud of them when she witnessed these moments that showed that. She knew this wasn't easy, especially after gods knew what Ash had been through, but she was doing well all things considered. "Most of them are here," she replied, a small smile touching her lips. "Artorias is here of course. He took Resin's place as the Aegis once he was of age. Gwynevere is the Chief Physician. She's usually in the infirmary, but apparently she's gotten a boyfriend that she's taking some time with," she said with a little chuckle. "Rudyard and Avantika are both part of Art's Vanguard from what I understand."

There was a pause before she added, "Bowen was gone for a while as well... Taken away. She did eventually find her way back to us, thank gods. She's been in The Hallows until fairly recently. I've been told she was doing some traveling, going up to the Armada and taking some time away. She's supposed to be back soon though." She didn't know all of the details as to why her wandering daughter was off again, but she knew Bowen was smart and would take care of herself. She just hoped she would return sooner rather than later. "I haven't seen much of Grimshaw. He left quite a long time ago. I believe he found a home with Armada though." Now that Asheila was here she felt so much more at peace now that she at the very least knew where her children were—or at least in Bowen's case know that she was in Boreas and would be back. The not knowing and the countless dark possibilities that could befall them kept her up at night sometimes. That was the curse mothers came to bear, she decided. It was the price to pay for getting to enjoy all the wonderful, beautiful things motherhood brought her.

"I... I took another mate after Resin passed," she admitted after a bit of hesitation. It had been a hard thing to bring up to her children when it happened and it wasn't any less hard now. "I'm sure you already guessed that, seeing as how Kane was with me when we found you." Ash was a perceptive young woman and had already connected a lot of dots on her own so she was sure that her daughter would have figured this out as well. "We have three children. Malik, Juniper, and Sierra. They just past a year old." It was a lot of information already to take in so she paused there, letting Ash decide how much more or what else she wanted to know.

Tamsyn Carpathius of the Valley