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5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-17-2022, 12:27 AM

The weather marked they were over halfway through the season and soon enough it would be time to be back at the hallows.  There was no need to rush but Rudy and Fern were heading back in the direction of their home, their family.  This had been an amazing experience with so many new places, new sights, and new ways to spend one's time.

Walking along the river bank they could see how the sun would cause the water to shimmer.  Dragonflies flit along the taller reeds of grass.  The day was pleasant, not particularly hot or cold with only the occasional light breeze.  On the wind, Rudy could smell plenty of prey but they had eaten recently enough.  Rudy also was just enjoying the moment of walking with Fern right next to him.

How long until they ended up on a path he knew better as they neared home?  Maybe another two weeks or so?  Time had flown by all too fast on their adventure.  A part of him wished for more time even as another part of him yearned to be home.  The motley wolf had a relaxed smile on his face, one that was most always there as of late.

Rudy’s playful side whispered up the idea of accidentally tripping and pushing Fern into the water.  He would of course have joined her right after but, he didn’t attempt his nefarious plan.  Let the peaceful moment last a bit longer.  “Let’s sleep near the river tonight,” not suggesting they end their walking now by any stretch, Rudy assumed the water would go on a way.  “I haven’t had fish in a while, and a swim in the morning might be nice?” What was it about water that Rudy enjoyed so much?  It wasn’t necessarily swimming, he just enjoyed being around it.  Maybe due to his childhood at the falls?  Either way, he liked being near it with Fern all the more.
