
Descensum Altar



10-17-2022, 05:38 AM

Descensum  and the surrounding lands of Emerald Valley, Illusions Oasis, Barren Dunes, Redwater Rocks, and Traveller’s Lake are all affected by a magical autumn. Additionally, each land seems to be cloaked in swirls of sun-kissed mists that confuse the senses and seem to lead you where you did not intend to go, and the maze-like caverns and twisting trails often lead to dead ends, sometimes in dangerous pits and crevasses, and oftentimes in trying navigate the lands you inexplicably find yourself right back where you started. In the open area outside the caverns, you find a statue:

A statue, smaller than the others, emerges from the foliage in a startlingly sudden display of water opal carved in the shape of a dancing wolf. The statue is of a slim, androgynous wolf, youthful in its slender figure and seemingly playful with its grinning maw and whirling form. The grinning wolf presides over a deceptively simple altar of black opal that matches the short pillar the statue is mounted upon. The translucent nature of the water opal the statue is carved of makes it more difficult to see the statue’s features clearly, but the wild colors that flicker through the opals change as the viewer moves to highlight different parts of the carving, making it seem alive, and constantly shifting…

Ferret familiars loaf lazily at the altar between bouts of manic motion. Magpies and jays perch in the vegetation around the statue to offer cackling commentary and raucous riddles even as slender foxes with sly smiles urge you to add an offering to the altar beneath the gaze of the opal figure. The way the statue glitters seems to have changed subtly, like there is some fire flickering in it that hadn't been there before, making it appear like some sentience was peering out of those carved eyes. Maybe even judging you? You get the feeling you should think about your offering carefully.

Make an IC post in this thread of your character making an offering on the altar before the statue found in Descensum. Each character may only make a single offering. Each player may only participate in 8 total events this week. Note: For the purpose of not making people read and memorize every single post, you can assume the familiars are actively shuffling things around to make more room, and it’s totally fine to say that you put down flowers on the same area where someone else just put a pelt.

Deadline for offering: October 30th 9PM PST

All submissions must be posted by the deadline with no exceptions