
Soft Morning



Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

5 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
10-17-2022, 09:12 PM
As Ardyn was quick to remind him that it was their mother's project and not his alone, Coran was quick to concede in a lightly mocking voice as he dipped his head and extended his arm in a sweeping motion with his paw pad up. "Of course, you'll have to forgive me." His tone was every bit of teasing- until he had to catch himself with the playful shove he received in the shoulder. His own cheshire grin spreading across his features as he settled to the floor.

Though as the Ard Rí went on to explain the current state of things, he adopted a more serious intent. Nodding along as he described this man that had come and gone in his absence. With a slow shake of his head, he found his own voice in the lull. "Ahh, if his doubt was that obvious then we didn't need him anyways. Can't trust someone not to balk in a serious situation when they get hung up in the small stuff as it is." He had no appreciation for disloyalty. It was best the stranger left in time before building false trust. Choosing not to dwell on that sour thought, his expression softened as he conveyed contentment at the earlier bit of information. "But good that we have had new blood that can be counted on," Coran responded earnestly. It seemed that everything had been generally peaceful and that he was happy for.

But in the question of what had happened to him, he answered with the truth. "There wasn't a specific event that was the catalyst. It just seemed that I kept getting detoured further and further north for one reason or another." Little things here and there from assistance dealing with a predator, to escorting strangers, mercenary work, and weather systems to be avoided. The list could go on. "But I'm sure I can come up with something to share at the bonfire." Even if he had to fabricate a detail here and there for entertainment purposes. But then another thought crossed his mind he felt worth mentioning. "I didn't interact or interfere with any pack wolves, did my best to skirt their territories and stay out of the way." Not that he had anything to hide or be afraid of. He just didn't want to chance fate- he was notorious for having bad luck. If anything could have gone wrong, it certainly would have.

But when Ardyn leaned closer for a more intimate question, Coran made no effort to conceal his laughter. "There were quite a few- maybe a dozen or so damsels in distress I was able to aid." He said in obvious exaggeration, as it simply was not his style to take advantage of someone like that. However, between his brother and himself, he would not be outdone in the quip. "But they all kinda blended together in the end." The brindle brute followed his loose implication with an amused wink and a twinkle to his sapphire gaze.

It was good to laugh. Good to be back with family. And as he looked away, the sigh escaped his lips. He couldn't help but put the thought into words as he traced the surrounding plains with genuine appreciation. "It's really good to be home, I'll tell you that."