
Descensum Altar


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-17-2022, 11:03 PM

The animals here seem in good spirits and interestingly are speaking in ways the wolves understand.  Foxes suggested they leave the statue as decoration and Rudy imagined that was a good plan.  A decoration?  Well, they had of course found some fun items along their travels to take home.

Rudy pondered before ducking his head to let out a makeshift sort of bag roll off his neck.  It was nothing more than some giant tree leaves from Ibis island that had been stitched together with a bit of vine to keep around his neck.  There were souvenirs on the island they had wanted and so far the make-shift bag had lasted to carry them home.  Rudy gently pawed out several bright feathers that came from the large parrots on Ibis isle.  Now, Rudy quickly had a problem.  He had decided exactly what would look great in his mind but making it was another matter.

“Excuse me,” he offers with cheery politeness to the magpie and jays as he finds some twigs and leaves to move back to where he’d dropped his feathers.  The bag he made gets a thoughtful look before he puts a paw on the sack and breaks part of the vine of his sack.  Looks like he’d be having to just hold the sack in his teeth for a while after this.

Rudy’s finished project was a trio of large feathers, a bright red, vivid blue and emerald green, held in place between some twigs that were attached to the vine.  Rudy set the feathers to be on top of the head, like a small feathery crest for the wolf's forehead, using the vine to wrap under the muzzle to hold it in place.

“Celebrate my future pups with us, friend.  If you are going to dance, do it in style!”  Rudyard grinned admiring his handiwork.  Looking at Fern to see what she might have made the statue.



A fox cocks his head to the side, staring quizzically at your contribution. "Are you sure that's what you want to decorate the altar with?" he asks skeptically. "Well, all right, I guess. Here, take this with you when you go." He pushes a droopy looking bag of something at you before fussing with the decorations to try to make your items blend in a little better.

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