
Descensum Altar



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
10-18-2022, 06:31 AM

Compared to other lands, her recently claimed oasis seemed to be near the thick of it. When she had awoken to find the sudden change in the landscape with the swirling fog curling around her limbs, the call from the statues about their altars and a coming feast beckoned her. Trying her best to keep her wits about her and not get lost in the haziness that appeared to be this magical autumn, Celeste followed the sounds toward Descensum. She had only been here once before and had been overly cautious about entering the dark cave with its trickling sounds.

Even here, autumn was more in effect and as she hung back for a moment, she rested her eyes upon the dazzling statue. Surrounding by vibrant red foliage and whispering trees that would soon lose their leaves, Celeste clung to the beautifully woven scarf around her neck. Her eyes would move from the ferrets that loafed, the magpies and jays that riddled, and lingered even on the foxes that whispered quietly beneath their breaths. Unsure if this were merely a trick of the mind or if this was all really happening, the petite Mistress approached the altar.

Looming over her as its opal colors fragmented in the light, she glanced once more at the familiars. Being small in stature, she wondered if it would be rude of her to climb the altar. As the foxes urged her that it would do the statue no harm if she did, Celeste finished her approach and climbed as best as she could to get close to the statue. Holding on tightly, she pulled the elegant emerald green and plum purple scarf from around her neck to place it over the wolf's muzzle and finish draping it over its shoulder. Nearly losing her hold as she finished, she scrambled down from the statue to admire it. Appearing almost gypsy-like in the way that it stood with her scarf now held lightly over its face and shoulders, Celeste smiled.

With one paw extended, Celeste bowed to the statue before turning to leave.


A jay lands on the altar and pokes your contribution cheekily. "This'll do a'ight! Bit uv a shock really but guess a broken clock's right twice a day an' all! Hahahaha a'ight well have fun wit' these then!" He drops a brightly colored cloth purse next to you as a ferret playfully cavorts over to admire your decoration.

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181 Gems & Grow Potion

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