
Sleepless Night


10-14-2013, 08:37 PM

The child told her story, her voice bringing those terrible thoughts to the ivory lady's ears, and breaking her heart, for a child such as this one should not be forced to think of such things. When she finished speaking, Aurora reached out a paw and placed it on the little girl's back, and used her massive pedestal to pull the youngster to her large frame. "Dear child, no one should ever have to endure something like that." She whispered, hugging the child to her chest and tucking her under her chin. Corvusi, the little cat who generally wasn't comfortable with anyone but Aurora, came around from her spot behind Aurora to rub her face along the pup's back a little.

The alabaster damsel rubbed Odette's back, making whispery soothing sounds to comfort her. "If you need to dear, you may come stay with me until you can find your parents, though you may have to ask the Alphess of Ludicael for permission first." She offered with a chuckle, wrapping her long banner around the upset child. Her soft voice became even softer as she spoke next, her ethereal tone weaving through the air to meet the young girl's auds. "It's okay to cry, you're allowed to feel sad. If you want to, you may weep all you need, I do not mind." She whispered, rubbing the child's back with her massive ivory paw to comfort her.