
Descensum Altar



Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
10-18-2022, 04:03 PM

Zoey wasn't certain if Celeste asked her to tag along on an adventure - but nonetheless, the eager girl was willing to explore the lands surrounding the oasis, particularly the cavernous structure that lay on the other side of their home. Goggles secure on her head, the girl made the most of the journey, following Cel's scent so she wouldn't get lost. Or, too lost, anyways - the swirling mists and unfurling whisps of strange wind tempted her in different directions, even more so due to her distractable nature. Zoey nearly ran herself off the path she'd stayed on, curiously led by what felt like unseen forces. Tempting her, swaying her, this way and that - even the young explorer and human ruin finder was getting a bit turned around. Shaking her head as if ridding herself of her distraction, she willed herself to continue onwards, barely seeing her leader's form ahead. She'd picked up the most gorgeous of natural artifacts along the way, something in her gut telling her she might need it.

It was a preserved dragonfly in a stone of amber. Ancient, really - had to be from way before her time. Tossing it absently in one paw, she took time to observe the bug forever preserved within, wings frozen in its final flight. A grin spread across her lips as she reached the mouth of the cave, carefully trekking into its beckoning maw to find the ferrets, magpies and other creatures settlin themselves around a statue. Zoey tilted her head back to see the statue in its entirety, marveling at its colorful sheen, opal stand and the wolf's frozen grin, merged in some strange dance. She was curious, questions about the statue's origins swirling endlessly in her mind. Still, she smiled at Celeste as she watched her leave, padding forwards to the statue and placing her amber stone offering at the altar's base with the other items.

She copied what Cel did, bowing respectfully to the statue before rising, drinking in the altar's unique pose before turning and leaving the cave - hoping she'd find some more cool relics on her way back to the oasis.

”Speech”  ‘Think’


A jay lands on the altar and pokes your contribution cheekily. "This'll do a'ight! Bit uv a shock really but guess a broken clock's right twice a day an' all! Hahahaha a'ight well have fun wit' these then!" He drops a brightly colored cloth purse next to you as a ferret playfully cavorts over to admire your decoration.

You have received:
103 Gems & Shrink Potion

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