
The meal has a kick to it


10-19-2022, 06:26 PM

The monochrome woman moved back to give Kotori room to do his work. She watched him with her pale blue gaze, fascinated as he cut the pelt away from the young moose’s body. She remained quiet, politely watching on as he worked at it the best he could to get the pelt mostly intact. She had never personally skinned an animal but the hunter in her was fascinated at how he worked. Perhaps she would need to give it a try on her next kill and start stocking up on hides and the like. Though she might not have a lot of use for them herself they could surely be traded for things she and her brother might need or want.

Once the pelt was free and Kotori gave the go-ahead for her to eat, Nuru moved close to the moose once more. But before she lowered her head to it she glanced at Kotori again. “You mentioned your intentions of starting your own pack, Valta. Have you considered what lands you will claim when you make it? She was admittedly curious. She and her siblings hadn’t been in a pack for years… what would Kotori be like as a leader?

As she waited for his response she tore a chunk off the moose and began to chew on it thoughtfully.

"Talk, 'Think.'