
Beautiful itsn't it?



10-14-2013, 09:25 PM

I felt a slight pain in my heart, that reminded me of the same pains from when I lost my mates. Two, and both to the same thing, and as Miharu had died, he had died from the same sickness that had consumed his past male lover. Red eyes scanning over the lady as she gave out her reactions, I could tell she was one of a darker alignment. As long as she didn't harm me or my family, I would rather care less about who she had killed within her past. I had killed before, I couldn't say I enjoyed it since they were people I thought I could trust, but, it was a bit addicting if you were not careful. It was not as if I was looking to be enemies with this woman anyway, all I wanted to do was relay the words I was given. Maybe we'd make some sort of connection, who knew, for those who have been lost. I believed that they were in a better place. She came down from her perch to stand on the branch with me as I gave a small commendable smile.
"I am sorry for your loss, he was a smart man, caught in the curse of those who had tainted him." I said, when she asked for my name I was a little bit surprised. Figuring she wouldn't want anything to do with me, after all I could have killed him just as much as the next wolf. Though, he died naturally, if not, painfully, from something that was far worse than dying from the fangs of an enemy. I flicked my tail, looking at her, she was clearly experienced with age, that was admirable. "I'm Rivaxorus, part of Seracia, my son Hajime is part of the new Tortuga, along with my brother." I explained, and perhaps Tortuga was far from what she and Miharu had seen. But somehow, with Glaciem causing all this trouble, they needed something more to defeat the great evils that threatened their lives and their freedom. Though I wasn't one to judge, and yet this was how things played out.
