
Is it something to do with where I come from

Joe / Shelby

Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
10-19-2022, 08:20 PM

Meme listened to Artorias’ history of the Hallows, of the sort of place his mother had hoped this pack to be. “I can not blame her for that. It feels as though too many creatures are quick to spill blood. It’s good that you honored her wishes, too. It shows your love for her.” Memento Mori’s pale gaze shifted to the ground at her paws. She wished that she could have honored her mother’s own wishes. But… Artorias’ mother’s goals and Philomena's goals had been different. While one wanted a place of safety her mother wanted a pack that would be a call to war against another family… a feud that Meme had no interest in being part of.

“...I wonder if my mother still hoped for that sort of camaraderie for me one day… even if her ideals for a pack were different from the Hallows.” She sighed and lifted her pale gaze to Artorias. “I may not have seen the bloodshed your mother had but I know I do not want to live the life of a warmonger. I wish to defend the safety of the innocent, and those who I would call friend, call family.” Memento Mori drew in a breath. “I prefer to keep my paws busy, however. Idle paws are the devil’s playground, after all.”

About a dozen made their home in the Hallows. It was an impressive number, all of these wolves coexisting with one another. But oh? There was more to that than there seemed. The alpha pair might be trying for a litter. “I’m wishing you both the best of luck. You’re lucky to have someone by your side.” Her words were softly spoken and genuine. “If you guys ever need a pup sister, or need some toys for the little ones I’d be happy to lend you my service.” Then she shifted her gaze to Ezra, her voice becoming light, teasing.

“So cousin, are you planning on having kids too? Will there be more Adravendi paws running around?” She arched a brow. Though the question was teasing she was actually curious if Ezra had a love interest or a mate. He was old enough for it.

Then, at Artorias’ next question she shifted her attention back to the alpha. “Ideally I’d like to rest as close to my kin as I can. So whichever place they have chosen to den I will as well. I have been a long time without family… I want to start building that bridge again in my life. That is if I don’t drive Ezra crazy by the end of the season.” Meme’s pale gaze shifted back to Ezra. “Hope you’re prepared, cousin.” Though it had only been a short while since she’d arrived Memento Mori’s voice was already lighter, happier. A sign of what was to come.

"Talk, 'Think.'

Unless ICly stated otherwise assume Memento Mori's companions, Jacques and Rein, are not with her.