
Singing the song that's inside us all

Claiming Fenmyre!



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
10-19-2022, 09:56 PM

Bellamy’s call quieted and the woman lowered her head. The call was made and today, Ethne would rise. She could feel her heart hammering away in her chest. This was what she had wanted and this, this would be the start of everything. Her family would be able to be safe, as well as any other wolves they brought into Ethne. They could help each other, and build their beginnings… and once everything was set up and her children were tucked safely away she could look for Saga. Though… there was also the matter of finding members as well. The extra eyes to keep an eye out for Ignis could be a benefit. Now… should she head to the battlefield to look for someone or…?


Bellamy’s gaze flicked to a stranger approaching her.  At first, she was guarded, and tense, expecting someone to contest her claim over a pack. It was a female, an interesting one at that. The scattered patch of her eye reminded Bells a little of Gavroche’s own eye circles, however. At the femme's word Bellamy relaxed, even getting a name.

"Dagrún." Bellamy tested the name on her tongue. "A pleasure. I am Bellamy of Foi." She tipped her muzzle to the other woman. "I will tell you about the pack that is forming and you are free to make your choice." She lowered her rump to the ground, getting comfortable.

"It will be called Ethne and we will make our claim in Lazuli Falls. Our pack will be a place for those who may not fit elsewhere. Where other packs may shame others for their looks, mutations, personality, or creed we will celebrate them all and favor none over the other. We will be open to the ideas of our fellows and coexist with each other without the need to tell someone they are wrong for what they believe or are. My goal, as Ethne's leader, is to build not a mere pack but a family by bond, stronger than even those of blood.

I, like any alpha, will ask the creatures of my pack to pull their weight and contribute how they can. All skills will have a place to be useful. We will work to get what we need through our own power, through trade, and if we deem it ever necessary through raids if need be. I fully intend to set up pack relations with every pack I can find to know where we stand. I will discourage lasting damage in such raids, however, if your opponent comes aggressively at you I would never expect you to hold back. You are to maim them as they attempt to maim you."
Bellamy took a breath.

"The needs of our family, of Ethne, will be put first. If you are willing to be open-minded, tolerant of the differences around you, and willing to help build the pack up as a whole then I would be honored to accept you into Ethne as a base ranking member for whatever skill set fits you most. Impress me and I'll see what I can do about a promotion. We will need leads for the different ranks after all. What say you, Dagrún Finnvi? Will you join our ranks?"

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.