


10-14-2013, 09:55 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 09:55 PM by Deteste.)

The man would listen carefully with a stoic but somewhat earnest expression, his gaze would be locked with hers as she spoke, the nature of their color a near reflection of his own. His jaw would tighten as the woman spoke, each of his stained incisors settling upon one another as jagged puzzle pieces. Silence would follow the woman's speech yet he would not break their intertwined gazes as he pondered the weight of her words. The war was certainly a complicated situation yet the man failed to see the purpose behind the bloodshed that would follow. He found that he failed to sympathize with the catalyst of it all, the girl Liberty, much less a girl considering her success in tempting the northern king. There was great consequence in the pursuit of the heart. Many deaths would follow such emotional judgements, derived soley from flirtation and pride. The man found himself drawn away from these thoughts and his focus shifted from contemplation to sight and what he saw before him was Erani's graceful figure. Her colorless body more immaculate than the fresh snow that sifted about them.

It was then that he would notice the marks that branded that stainless pelt. It was eerie what small things he had in common with this woman whom he had just met. His gaze would not waver but his perspective would widen. Deteste had little attachment to Valhalla. Yet he realized the significance connection he had forged with Cormalin and that which was forming between he and Erani. There was no way for Deteste to know if either would be involved in the war unless he inquired yet he felt it was not his place to do so. I cannot involve myself in the war... he would finally speak. His timbre would be strong and his expression would soften. But listen, Erani, if you there is anything that I may do for your family. Please do not hesitate to ask. he would state. Deteste was a man of his word and such an offer was one an individual may only only receive in a life time for he was willing to go to great lengths to preserve the goodness he had uncovered upon these Valhallan wolves.