
Honey, honey, you're my favorite drug




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
10-20-2022, 11:58 AM

With Alastor's foreleg around her back, pulling her lithe form up into his, molding her into the masculine planes of his body, she felt like she was whole once more. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew the real crux of the issue wasn't resolved, but in this exact moment she couldn't care less. She had given herself over entirely to her demon and he was devouring her just how she liked. Nothing else mattered. Her head tipped back as she lost herself in the pleasure and wild, lustful abandon of everything her husband was. Even though she fully submitted to him and was reveling in the powerful dominance of her mate, she still kept her hind legs hooked around his waist and her forelegs draped around the back of her neck, refusing to let him escape her grasp until they were both fully satisfied. The last thing she felt before her mind went completely blank and was completely lost to the throws of pleasure was the sharp grip of his deadly teeth grasping around her throat, making her gasp sharply and eyes fly open before they rolled back behind fluttering eyelids, the quiet of the island night punctuated by their mingled sounds of wild pleasure.

- fade -

At some point after they had ravaged each other in bloody, wild, passionate love for longer than she could possibly keep track of, she had passed out with her head on his chest. The last thing she remembered was the warmth of his body against her own, the sound of his heart beat in her ear, and his scent filling her nose. The wear and exhaustion this whole situation on top of the wild, vigorous sex they enjoyed had put on her finally caught up to her and she was pulled easily into unconsciousness. When she eventually woke up and blinked open her eyes she immediately realized the sound of the waves was gone. A quick glance around with bleary eyes told her that she was back in their bedroom. Slowly she came back to her senses, shifting and realizing that there was still the familiar, warm weight of Alastor's forelegs around her and the softness she felt wasn't bedding at all, it was the long, soft fur of her husband's coat.

Blinking with surprise, she lifted her head, looking down at Alastor's peaceful, sleeping form beneath her. The shock slowly melted into warm emotion that softened her expression with a loving smile. Without really realizing it, a soft haze of tears collected in her aqua gaze as she watched him for a long moment. There was such a heady feeling of relief and joy that she couldn't possibly describe after weeks of sleeping without his familiar form against her. She was still very tired and could have easily fallen back asleep then and there, but there was something else she wanted more. He had soothed the primal desire she had for him to fight for her and claim her, but the softer side of her that only Alastor really knew needed more for the genuine love and devotion she had to her mate. Stretching out her body over top of his, Manea gently slipped her paws around to the back of his neck while she brought her lips to his throat, leaving a gentle trail of kisses that traced the length of his neck, slowly and gently rousing him from his sleep. Her kisses continued up along the curve of his jaw, pressing tender affections to each part of him she could reach.

"Manea & Alastor Mendacium"