
the holes in my heart stopped with a love of you


10-20-2022, 01:03 PM

Life was perfect. No, really. There was nothing that the small girl could ask for that she didn't already have. Her family loved her, they surrounded her. She was well fed, clean, everyone was nice to her. What else was there in the world other than that?

The family had gone on an adventure to meet other family. Aia had no idea just how many wolves she was going to meet, but she was excited to do so. Perhaps the fact that she was so small, an eternal baby, had left her a little more socially undeveloped than other pups her age but she was very excited to meet everyone and hoped that they would like her.

Introductions had been made and the girl was so excited that, as soon as her father suggested a nap, Aia passed out in his grasp from sheer happiness. Life couldn't get better than this! After sleeping for a while, the gentle nuzzles and ruffles of her fur pulled bright blue eyes open. Laying on her back, little paws went up to gently grasp her father's cheeks and she placed a little lick to the end of his nose. "Hi, papa." All smiles and wags.

"Aia Indarra"