First Rule Of Fight Club...
Desponia, Ifrit, Albion, Fia Fighting Lesson
10-20-2022, 01:27 PM
Fia could remember Ricin from the long time ago at the festival, and she had seen him around the pack here and there but with her own homebody nature she hadn't gotten out to know him or anyone else very well. She was starting to get older, grow responsibilities and what not. And she wanted to do good for her family.
Joining the few that gathered here she stayed quiet, and let Ricin start the lesson. Before she could respond, Desponia had answered in just the way she was thinking. She too wasn't so innocent in her young age and she certainly wasn't boisterous. At the very least she wasn't annoying so she supposed the older group should be thankful for that. She did squint a little at Desponia's reactions to Ricin and the question but wouldn't speak up. Instead turning a side eye to Ifrit as he agreed and added on a little more.
The throat would have been Fia's answer, and even with both the same answers given one would have been enough for her. She didn't say a word. Just sat amongst the little group looking down at the ground between them.