



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-14-2013, 10:09 PM

Snowflakes fell heavily around her as she padded toward the glade that was Cairo?s resting place. It was her daily trip, her daily visit. Her daily retreat from the events transpiring in Valhalla. War. It left a nasty taste on her tongue just thinking the word. She had had enough of war when she was a pup. War had wiped out her birth pack. All but Cormalin. The nightmares had returned, and she often found herself here, when it was too dark to gather, or do anything of use. Gideon had returned, but they had lost Azalea, and they had recently lost Liberty, and Friction with her, to Glaciem?s paws. The budding rapport she had begun with Friction to dust off his skills and add more, was gone.

And according to Deteste, the new leader of Amenti had thrown their lot in with Glaciem. However, Valhalla now had an allegiance with Tortuga. Who would have ever thought? Taurig was now Tortuga?s leader. And her adopted son. After his father had completely disowned him for standing up for his beliefs and making a life for himself, and effectively named Tortuga as Glaciem?s enemy, how could she not uphold her offer to take Taurig as her son? She just hoped Chrysanthe would warm to him with time. She knew it was highly unlikely Syrinx would ever warm to the cobalt colored male. He hardly liked anyone. Maybe his children, and certainly Eos, and definitely himself. And his sisters Chrysanthe and Epiphron.

She frowned. He?d been so sweet as a pup. Even up to the age of a yearling? What had changed? When had he changed? Perhaps it was just meant to happen. Perhaps Neo was as well. And Gabriel? She huffed out a sigh as she reached the minor depression in the snow. In width and length, it was a large hole that was dig to house the greatest Alpha she?d ever known. ?You?d show Glaciem what?s what, now wouldn?t you? Isardis would cower at your paws by the time you finished with him.? She lowered her head, nosing at the snow, her breath melting it slightly. Settling, she lowered her head to her paws, letting the silence of the glade wash over her. The only sounds were the soft whisper of snow adding a new layer to the white blanket on the ground, and the occasional breeze rattling the branches.

She closed her eyes, letting herself drift, until the wings of sleep settled around her, like a sweet caress.

--The Dream--

She stood in a clearing ringed by ancient redwoods, the ground littered by bones bleached white by time, scattered by smaller predators and scavengers. It had been years since she?d been in this clearing in the waking world, but she knew it well. Grass flattened by constant traversal now grew tall, winding through skulls, growling up around den openings. She gazed around, and perceived gauzy figures, gossamer wraiths recognizable as family and friends she had known as a pup. It was rather like the dream she had experienced the night she was attacked trying to find the plant that might save Guinevere Adravendi. But? Insubstantial. Only the landscape was clear, though she sensed the mists just beyond the trees she could see.

She crossed the bone strewn clearing, throat tight, pausing at a pair of skulls. She knew who they were. Had seen the freshly killed bodies lain here. She lowered her head, brushing her nose against the slightly smaller skull?s muzzle. Her mother. Her nose drifted to the larger. Her father. They had fought and died here in the massacre, side by side, and they stayed side by side. ?I miss you??