
Clubbing baby seals



"In Light, Justice; In Shadow, Vengeance"


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

2 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverSamhain 20221K
10-20-2022, 03:47 PM

The seal was dead and Vanta was not afforded even a moment of solace to let her kill set in before Kite was yelling, warning of the necessity to get out of here and fast. She threw her club aside with disgust, watching as the pups it landed near scattered and cried louder. "I'm sorry." She said to the babies, ears slicking back as she reached down to grab for the delicate flipper of the seal she'd killed. Dragging it was difficult (it was heavier than she'd anticipated) but with enough effort she'd managed a fast enough pace to mostly keep up with her sister.

They fled the area with their prize, and as Vanta expected their distance enough, she dropped the corpse back down. "I'm tired." She called out to Kite, slumping down onto the ice. "It'd be easier if we didn't have to carry the whole thing back. I'm going to take the pelt off mine, I don't want the meat." Already she felt sick at her decision to seek out and kill an infant of any species, consuming it's flesh would be too much - and she'd forever feel terrible for donating it to the feast, proclaiming the baby seal meat was something special and desired.

Vanta stared down at her prize.. suddenly realizing she did not know how to skin off it's pelt. Her paw reached out and touched various parts of the pup's fleshy fat, trying to determine where best to start, when suddenly her viper uncurled from around her neck and began to slide down her limb. Zee's companions had watched the Fatalis family live and work for years and were prepared to guide the young one. "Can you help me get it started, Kite? I don't have your claws." Slicing through the first cut of flesh would be the hardest, and Vanta's dull clawed paws were underequipped.
