
waddle waddle waddle!


"In Light, Justice; In Shadow, Vengeance"


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

2 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverSamhain 20221K
10-20-2022, 04:49 PM
OOC: Ajax you dumbass her eyes are closed!

A voice responded in turn, one as unfamiliar as the scent that came with it. Vanta screwed up her nose in annoyance, wishing she could encourage the sun to set on her whims and preferences so she might see the boy who spoke. Could he be dangerous? Maybe, but Vanta was too young yet to feel fear in the face of a stranger. Especially one whose voice sounded so young, not unlike her own brothers. "Do you have parents with you?" She asked softly as she clued into his age and what that might mean. One wolf nearby was fine, but if there were more... Vanta shuddered at the memory of the scary raid that had forced her to hole up in a crowded den.

He introduced himself by name and complimented her 'blue' and Vanta couldn't help her shy smile from tugging at the corner of her lips. It was not often she was complimented, more often she was merely beaten down for her disability and told what she wasn't rather than what she was. "I'm Vanta. I like your..." The puppy understood basic courtesy; where a compliment was received you should give one back in turn. However Vanta's eyes were still squeezed shut and the sun above ensured they'd stay that way. "Can you describe yourself? Maybe then I can compliment you back. My eyes don't work very good in the light."
