
You Remind Me




Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-20-2022, 08:13 PM

As he explained that it was quicker to travel by water than land, she nodded along. In this instance, she would take his word for it, having never attempted such a thing for herself. Not that she had any desire to doubt him anyways. He could have said anything to her, and she would have taken it for the gospel.

When he joked about scaring her off, she laughed. For a moment she thought about saying there wasn't anything he could do to scare her off. But in a split second thought better of it. She didn't want to put that challenge out to the universe for the fates to ruin. Kiliaen knew she was easily taken up by strangers. It was just who she was. But Balthier was different- he was her gentleman after all. And that particular thought kept her cheshire grin firmly in place.

When he made a move toward the direction she had come from, she was all too happy to relent her positioning. She stepped aside, as her voice rose of her tongue. "No, not at all!" Kili insisted as she joined him at his side in his moment of hesitance before continuing on. "I was drying some cuttings, but was just finishing up anyways." Which was a near truth. Plenty of them had been set, just not quite all of them yet. But at this moment, they were no longer important. Kiliaen would come back to them later.

She was content to simply share his company if they did nothing but talk. But a part of her wondered if there was something that he had on his agenda. "Do you have anything in mind? Or shall we just make it up as we go along?" Her tone light and airy as she glanced in his direction.