
Hidden secrets within?




Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-20-2022, 10:45 PM

Kotori hadn’t spent a ton of time with kids since he had grown up.  He’d given a lesson or two to younger members of his family but those were the rare moments instead of a normal affairs.  Mostly he had tried to avoid them.  Aia was one pup and she didn’t annoy him as others had.  Of course, the sight of other kids had been irritating to Kotori in his teenage years.  They took time out of his selfish schedule.  Now, this little one was part of Valta’s future and a continuation of the same blood that flowed in Kotori’s veins.  

It was important that such children were molded well, taught how to be strong, taught to behave properly, and become a wolf that any other wolf of worth would realize they deserved respect.  Clearly, Aia would always be small but the size and intelligence or abilities were not the same things.  She was willing to work and even had a good attitude about it all.  

Now, as Aia called him uncle Kotori, she even got an almost tender smile from the earth-toned wolf.  “Those look excellent.  See what else you can find that might go well with them.”  Kotori stepped a bit closer, scenting at the flowers, “those should go well at a feast.  A pleasing smell will make the food taste that much better.”  Some wolves probably wouldn’t care how things smelled and only focus on the food itself, to be honest, but some would notice and appreciate it.
“Don’t go too far east,” Kotori lifted his head, nodding to what seemed mostly like a clump of moss and twigs floating in the water.  “It’s young but theirs an alligator over there.  It’s ignoring us so, this time we can ignore it”  Alligators weren’t as fun to fight as bears and such, nor was this the time.  Aia wasn’t ready to hunt large predators and he wouldn’t put the child in danger today, not when they were working on different learning experiences.  Still, it was good for her to know of them. “Most of its under the water, but part of its snout and eyes are above the surface.”  

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]