
Two different roads[Nibel]



10-14-2013, 10:36 PM

Something weird sent a shiver down my spine, it didn't show though. It was a fast cold one though, looking at him, it felt kind of weird. I wished to raise an eyebrow, to tell him excuse me, what the hell are you doing? I couldn't do that though, I wasn't in that position like I was when I lived in the desert. Now, I was partly helpless, and in order to protect myself I had to tread lightly. I found it kind of funny to be doing that, but I could get the creeps from anything. Though I knew the game well, he obviously knew I was playing as well. It wasn't my job to take care of him though, it was the alpha's. As far as I saw it, he hadn't done anything wrong besides give me the creeps. Even if I didn't like him, others possibly could(though I don't see how) so I should comply to his wishes.
My heart beating was the only thing that could ever tell me that I was living. If I couldn't feel it, then I was undead, and when that happened I'd be in a different place. Stuck on weather I lived my life well, I had a poison creeping on me for many months anyway. It wasn't like it would change anything, change his intentions? I wasn't a god, that was one flaw I saw in the system of which I had felt as a leader at one point. Yet, there were the deaths of the innocent I kept a secret, there was when I had lost my mind. There was a time where my family looked at me like I was some sort of monster, and I had kept that a secret.
In the back of my mind the monster still spoke, but I had learned how to ignore it, and somehow others had made me less mad at the world, and far less numb. He gave me the shivers like I had given others in the past, and somehow I couldn't shake them off. He seemed to fly off in his own thoughts, as my own womanly instincts of a killer, almost seemed like they were of a man. The difference was almost unnoticeable, but only seen in my odd nightmares. Of the same world, I thought people returned to, if they were to be trapped in their own minds.
My shoulders rolled back, he reminded me of the murderous intent that I had ignored when I had killed my father. When I had stolen the lives of the innocent, and right in front of my my newborn daughter was torn apart by someone I had long forgiven and really hadn't seen again. What would my brother think, my son, that was a laugh. The only other two who had seen my murderous personality that no longer existed, it was almost like it wasn't me. And here he was, the devil himself, who was plainly reminding me of those days where my teeth were sauntered with the blood of the unknown victims probably moving along their way.
"They are women after all, they get annoying no matter who they may be." Would things be any different if I were to have been born a man, I had no clue. If I had been born a man, I wouldn't be as careful, because the world was cruel, and as cruel as I had been, my paths were forever changing. Never did I want to return to that path, and if I did, my heart wouldn't last much longer on the small pieces of paste that held it together. My tail flicked as I rose and turned towards Seracia, I would take him there, but whatever happened after that was all according to his snake like tongue and viper eyes.
"Come on then, you are smart enough, after all some things become apparent more than others." It was a compliment, a womanly one maybe. He was smart, he was well rounded, and I hoped he knew that. It was a darker side of life that I too had dipped my paws into, maybe not as viciously or as viscous, it could be compared with a dark dragon as supposed to the markings that lie upon his face making such a face. A small smile perked at my lips as I led him towards Seracia territory.
Was the evil infecting me again, and was the past repeating itself to make me hate the world. To crash and burn, to cause pain, and to what more will my heart begin to turn black.
