
Honey, honey, you're my favorite drug




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
10-21-2022, 06:48 PM

A little grin tugged at Manea's lips as Alastor's body reacted to her affections, feeling the little shivers that ran through his body at the contact with his sensitive throat. Even with just one night of sleeping in his arms again she already felt more rested and rejuvenated than she had in weeks and it almost made her angry at herself for letting it go on for as long as she did. She had been trying to make a point, but in the end she had only hurt herself more than she imagined she hurt him so it felt like a futile effort. Laying across his broad, muscular form and feeling his large paws roam across her body as he slowly woke up just reminded her of how much she never wanted to lose this. "Good morning..." she replied back softly with a quiet chuckle, giving the side of his throat another, slightly firmer kiss while her front paws traced up over his chest and slipped around the back of his neck, stretching her body out across his even more with a low, pleased rumble in her chest at the feeling of his paws rubbing at her shoulders.

When he mentioned how this was a pleasant way to start the day, Manea kissed along his jaw till her lips found his, giving him a tender kiss before letting her aqua gaze find the deep abyss of his own. "It really is..." she agreed, a little smile tugging at her lips as her paw followed the back of his neck up to his ear, letting her feline paw trace the edge of his red-tipped ears. "This is how we should start every day... Wrapped up together like this..." The emotion she had been trying to fend off crept into her voice before she could stop it, but she just kept playing with his ear, looking down at him with an overwhelming mix of relief and love. She wasn't someone that often let her emotions fully come to the surface. In fact, Alastor was really the only one that really saw the more vulnerable parts of herself that she usually kept hidden. Maybe that's why this had all hurt as badly as it did—because the one wolf she had trusted with her entire heart and soul, her confidant, her soul mate, had begun to no longer feel like he was entirely hers.

The paw that was playing with his ear started to wander, stoking over the top of his head and cheek, admiring his handsome features and enjoying the familiarity of him for a quiet moment. "I'm so glad you're home..." she said with her voice still hushed in the quiet, early morning den, her voice catching slightly as her ears folded back against her head. "I've missed you so much... My stubborn, hardheaded, demon..." She chuckled a bit as she labeled him with a string of descriptors as she blinked away a few tears that threatened to collect in her eyes. She had known that having him home would make her feel better and more complete, but she hadn't really allowed herself to understand just how deep that cut had gone or how soothing it would be just to have her soul mate back with her—even if the issue that caused this wasn't really resolved.

"Manea & Alastor Mendacium"