
battle beneath the moon

Open puppy spar

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-21-2022, 07:31 PM

The night is strange and full of wonder which, of course, means that Calico Jack has to go explore it. Maybe he is not supposed to be out here but he doesn’t really care, the pup lives by the motto, ‘a pirate does what a pirate wants’. So, when Nico had invited him to tag along with his little band for an overnight trip, Jack had eagerly accepted. Now, under the bright, starlit sky the calico pup rolls restlessly.

He doesn’t want to sleep! If he is going to break the rules, then he wants to use every moment to his advantage. Rolling to his belly, Jack smoothly makes it to his paws and noiselessly trots away from the strange group, shaking his head in wonder at them. Falling into a lope once he is far enough away, the patchwork pup gallops along under the watchful moon, happiness zipping through him.

Paws cross into a strange plain, where steel swords stick up from the ground, catching the silvery moonlight and reflecting it across the dark grass. Calico Jack slows to a walk, his icy blue eyes scanning the land, pulling in every detail that he can. Blood stains the land, old and new pools marring the grass and soaking into the dirt, filling the air with its coppery scent.

Jaw hangs open as he walks, ogling the place with all the interest of a child who is out past his bedtime. But the night holds more in store for him as a squeaky call fills the plains, calling for an opponent to step forward. Shoot, they sound about as old as him! This could be fun! Jack breaks into a run as he races to where the call issued from, slowing when the form of a cream and teal pup materializes.

As he gets closer, he sees the pup’s guardian nearby and Jack offers her his most charming smile before squaring up with the challenger. Before the fight begins, he says, “I‘m Calico Jack! Good luck!” Flashing a happy grin at the girl (oh shit she is even prettier up close!) the boy then sets his defenses before dipping down in a play bow, tail arched over his back and wagging playfully while his front paws tap the earth, eager to spar.

Calico Jack vs Vântoase for Puppy Spar!
Round 0/?
Age: Under 6
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Modified cutlass
Defensive Battle Accessory: Reinforced bandana
Companion 1: Macaw, Male - Flying
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Intermediate Navigator

"Calico Jack"