
ever been whipped by a shark?



Novice Navigator (20)

Advanced Hunter (85)

5 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - PansexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-22-2022, 04:16 PM (This post was last modified: 10-22-2022, 04:16 PM by Nami. Edited 2 times in total.)
There was no doubt in Nami's mind, as soon as she saw the pup trying to wrestle with something quite large in the water, that she'd shown up at the right place at just the right time. She wasn't really sure she believed in fate but she did believe in happy accidents, and maybe this was one of them. The bobtailed wolf hadn't exactly been looking for any excitement, wading quietly through the submerged trees, but as soon as she heard a racket coming from nearby her interest was piqued. Hurriedly she moved to find the source of all the splashing and when she was confronted with something lashing out in the water at a red-furred wolf, she was glad she'd shown up as quickly as he had.

Was that... a shark? In all the commotion it was hard to say for sure, but it certainly seemed like it. It was hard not to let her protective instincts flood her immediately. Her own experiences with sharks made it impossible for her not to step in, even if this one was not the largest she'd ever grappled with. It still could do some damage if it had the change. "Careful!" Nami called out, bounding through the water to the tail side of the shark. There was no time to wait for her presence to be acknowledged. Instead she lunged at the creature with her jaws unhinged, hoping to grab hold of its tail before it could whip it around at the boy. Maybe the two of them could contain it without too much effort. "Careful of its teeth!" The way her little bobbed tail twitched nervously reminded her of just how sharp they really were. She just hoped this boy wouldn't have the same experience she was had when she wasn't much older than him.