
Puppy Map



The Hallows

Master Fighter (241)

Expert Navigator (182)

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
10-22-2022, 07:54 PM

Thorn’s gaze went from Ash to the lines she was turning into trees?  Maybe they were trees, or bushes were possible also but he still kept to his guess on trees.  Would she agree to his request?  Thorn would have no clue as to her true reason to possibly have denied him.  In his mind, it was about whether about if she wanted to go out late with him or if she thought it was fine for him to be out late at night.  If she let him he’d be sure to be on his best behavior!  

When she agreed it earned Ash a great big puppy smile, “I’ll ask mom and dad also of course but I’m sure they’ll say yes!” With another thought, Thorn quickly added a circle and made a few squiggly lines in the corner for a last little addition. “This is the great hall, and that’s where the fire is kept.” After a seconds thought he stretched his head out, grabbing a bit of chalk with an orange flower.  Keeping it in his mouth he scribbles in more lines around the fireplace area, making it super firey in his imagination.

He watched as Ash carefully flattened their map down.  His aunt said they could use it for the feast and his tail swept some dust from the floor as it swished back and forth.  “ok!” a moment of excitement, then hesitation as he looked over the map again.  His aunt's lines were smoother than Thorns.  He’d have to practice to make sure the lines he made looked better next time.  Thorn imagined he’d also need to study the castle and then the plains to if he wanted to draw them better.

“We should do this again too.  I want to draw as good as you do at some point.” Thorn had mostly been thinking of learning to become a great fighter like his mom and dad someday but now the idea of making maps was starting to take shape as well. “Thank Aunt Ash!.”  

"Thorn Carpathius"