
Frudy Pups!!!

Adopt us please <3



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
10-22-2022, 07:29 PM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2022, 01:13 AM by Incubus. Edited 10 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: kara
Character's Name: Lavender Carpathius
Gender: Female
Adult Height: 30”
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Alignment: Lawful Good
Appearance: [Image: lavender-ref-copy.png]
Personality: Lavender was born with the ability to immediately warm up a room. A rich and pure kindness radiates from deep within her heart. She desires to be and do good in all aspects of her life. Her ambitions will be fueled by the desire to make both her family and pack proud. Having been born into such a tight knit group with unyielding love for one another she is to believe it is her duty to do right by them. To give what they so graciously gave to her, a happy and safe environment for generations to enjoy just as she did.

From a young age it was evident the babe hungered for adventure and this would lead her down the path of the huntress. Being the daughter of the Lead Huntress of The Hallows she would always leap at the chance to participate in any way she could. Patrolling, scouting, or hunting. Not for the desire of rank but for the purest intention of providing or protecting others. This desire to help others wouldn’t be limited to those immediately in her life. This is a Wolf that would give her last ration to another before keeping it for herself. For what is the point of life if not to share it with others? This being said her love of adventure is not limited to catching prey. Upon her first taste of the wind whipping through her fur and fresh water coating her pads she will know her first love. Obviously duty comes first but if the day allows she would much prefer to go for a swim with friends then lounge about and gossip. Not for a yearning to stretch her legs, such a busy bee would have no need, but she would only find true joy when surrounded by nothing but time to learn and explore with those she loves or in solitude.

Lavender is not void of insecurity but one may not guess such with the confidence she emits. This may be one of her most significant faults. It is not that she is cocky, quite the opposite actually, she would always be willing to admit and learn from her mistakes or losses. But, it’s rare to hear what she may deem a complaint escape her lips. Lavender would develop a fear of burdening others with her issues. She may learn to open up to few that are her closest of kin but other then those few one may never hear a true gripe escape her lips. Although, her confidence is no mask. Lavender believes in herself, in her capabilities, and it truly shows. Each stride she takes is laced with determination. Each word rolls from her tongue coated in silver.

Lavender will embrace her feminine nature with time. In youth she may have fleeting crushes but as she grows into a young lady she will learn to feel rather comfortable with her feelings. A true romantic side will expose itself with time and she would welcome it. Such may result in heart break on more then one occasion but it would take a lot to keep her down. Lavender would not made her relationship her life but she would like to make life from it some day. The potential of having a family of her own is exciting to the babe but would also result in her being rather picky at times. Lav would never settle and will only choose a mate she loves. Perhaps a handsome someone with the same ideals and honesty as herself. That being said she is not incapable of a reckless decision from time to time and with a flush of lust caution may be thrown to the wind, if single. But, only for someone she sees as special of course.

Upon adulthood and truly seeing what the world is capable of a deep protective instinct will unlock within Lav. Such would only develop further upon having her own pups. She would put herself before her younglings at a moments notice, as well as any of her loved ones. Beyond that if anyone dared lay a claw on those dear to her she would retaliate with vicious nature. It is not blood thirst but the unrelenting drive to protect and provide.
Planned Skills: Hunting and Navigation
Mutations: n/a
Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas:
- Family/pack plots and activities! I want her to be involved in everything and anything once she can be. She could potentially shoot for the rank of wayfinder in the future.
- I'd like her to bond with her momma and learn all the tricks of the trade involving hunting.
- She's gonna be begging her parents to take her exploring as well, plenty of adventures to be had.
- Lav is also most def going to have a bird companion eventually.

[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]