
Last night she was murdered


10-14-2013, 11:52 PM

There could be so many idea's running through his mind, so many things that made his hackles twitch. It had been a mere few days since he had met Abelinda, since she had healed his wounds that were scabbed over, unless he went to the creeks to wash them, for the few that weren't frozen that was. The cold was only start of his pains, his angers, and every more so his feelings that he was helpless. The feeling and memories that were oddly empty. He was useless, but only in the sense that he was inexperienced. His two different colored eyes looked out to the falling snow at a fast rate. His ears twitching in the little cave he decided to call home. Bone scattering the edges from his recent rabbit kills. His full stomach and minds running thin with the approaching war. He was ready, yet he wasn't, because there was boredom settling in. There was nothing else to do, and all he could think about was chasing the woman around in circle. Since she was so far away from his own. His blood would never be as clean as clear as Isar's but he had deep hope that his childrens would. But it was only a fake fantasy he would never be able to fulfill.
Small puffs of air released from his snout, waiting for someone to enter the cave. Obviously in this storm one needed to find shelter quickly, and he could barely see five feet into the snow. It was warmer to his side, and he could only imagine who would enjoy laying with him. He slightly missed the feeling of another beside him. He looked like a statue like he had been in the snow, but he was far more confident in himself. And far more angry at that, his ears were moving about. If you fell asleep in a storm like this, you could die, it was as simple as that. And he had no desire to return to the great blackness, where he would never be seen again. Oddity, was constantly wishing, that he was wrong about that.
