
Look what we made!



The Hallows

Master Fighter (241)

Expert Navigator (182)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
10-22-2022, 09:55 PM

Ash had given Thorn the map the two of them had made so that he could go, and show mom and dad.  Then dad could take it to the altar as a decoration for the feast.  Ash had thought the map was actually good enough as a decoration at the feast and that sure seemed a pretty big deal in Thorn's mind!  It was a big sheet, showing the castle, starlight plains, and the wildberry grove.  

Thorn didn’t want to crumple it so despite the paper being big the boy had put the paper over his back, a corner of it was over his head, and had cautiously bit the very edge as lightly as he could.  He had found a slow trot that would work to keep the paper in place with only occasionally stopping to shift his weight.  He had to be very conscious of his every stride, keeping his balance just right to make the paper not slide.  The boy's focus was so intent on keeping the paper on well that he had trotted too far down the hallway at one point and had to turn about.

Eventually, he made it up to the steps that would go back to their room.  Hmm, what if dad wasn’t in there anyway? Cautiously letting go of the paper the boy stood stock still as he let out his best howl to tell dad he was going to the room and he had something to show him!  Grabbing the map again he headed up the stairs, trotting ever so carefully down the hall hoping dad was there or wouldn’t take to long.  Thorn wanted to see what dad thought of his map!  Would mom be there?  Would she like it also?  Tail wagging the proud kid made his way back to the room that had been the only world he’d known until a few days ago.  Now he felt he had an idea of just how huge the world might be.  He needed to know more.

Ash had made trees for the berry grove, a line for the lake in the starlit plains along with stems of flowers and some grass blades and little black stars.  She had also made all the lines to show the borders between each location.  Thorn had added in circles flor the towers.  They were circle'sh at least and none were the same size.  He had made squares for where he imagined his family's room to be, the courtyard and the great hall.  The great hall included a smaller square with a lot of red squiggles to show flames.  Beyond the castle were a lot of blue lines to try and show the ocean.

"Thorn Carpathius"