



5 Years
Extra large
10-15-2013, 12:06 AM

It hurt. Love hurt. Or at least, the love that he felt towards the silver duchess hurt. She was bad for him on so many levels, for so many different reasons, but none of that mattered to the cobalt King. For some stupid unknown reason, he loved this woman. He loved her (or at least that's what he kept telling himself) with every fiber of his being, but the feeling wasn't returned. She loved him, but it wasn't with nearly the same intensity that he loved her. He'd gotten his moment with her, got to tell her just exactly how he felt about her, so that was it. That's where everything should end. He needed to stop thinking about her, stop loving her, stop wishing that she were at his side and move on with his life. He couldn't stay stuck on her when he knew for a fact that it wasn't going to get him anywhere. Argent herself had told him to move on and find a nice girl for himself...But could he do that?

A shudder rocked the titan's frame, his throat constricting with the treat of tears. The cobalt monarch fought the water works, working through the closing of his throat and the tightening in his chest, jaws unhinging as he forced himself to breathe, refusing to let his emotions get the better of him. He had to be strong; he was king now after all. A rustling from near him caught his attention, icy gems flashing up suddenly to land on the figure of his Duchessa Newt. She would greet him with a simple hello, gaining a quiet nod of acknowledgement from the cobalt King, tattered ears rotating forward with attention as she mentioned that they had some things to discuss. Discuss? It sounded like Newt had some things on her mind. He wasn't exactly in the right state to talk about political or pack things, but the pack came first now. Forcing his emotions down, Taurig tried to compose himself, but it was all for nothing. The giantess had seen the emotions written across his dark features and she was willing to listen if he wanted to talk. But should he?

A quiet sigh slipped past the man's lips as he adjusted himself to face Newt, ears flattening against his skull once more as the mask of composure fell away to reveal the pain beneath it once again. I feel like I've committed the worst mistake of my life... He trailed off, his gaze returning to the spot where Argent had disappeared. Had it been a mistake?

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