Ever since everyone accepted that Mother and Bael were not going to be coming back, things had gotten weird. After the meeting, Sparrow ordered all the pups to stay on the ship, and that was fine for a while. However, the tight space and so many other pups were really starting to wear him down. He often found himself searching- or hiding rather, deep below the ship. And on one of these excursions, he found a wad of thin rope that had been buried under a bunch of stuff. The discovery immediately made him think of Calico Jack’s net, and it set the gears in the back of his mind turning.
After a day or two had passed, he pulled the rope out and off the ship. Coming to settle on the beach as he got everything untangled, and began the tedious process of back a net of his own. How? He wasn’t really sure. But he was confident that he could figure it out as he went along.