
She Sells Sea Shells by the Sea Shore




Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

3 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
10-22-2022, 11:44 PM

Saga was holding the oyster in her paw, peering down at it within the wet sand. "Yeah! They need water, kind of like fish, but they're different. There's meat inside them if you crack them open. Be careful though! Sometimes they have this small stone in them. Daddy says that they're called pearls." Rivin explained. Her daddy had told her all about the things she could find on the beach and warned her why swimming in the ocean could be dangerous. She had promised him she wouldn't go out without him watching anymore… at least until she was bigger.

All she needed to hear was that Saga wanted to help and Rivin took off. Even as she ran across the beach she could hear Saga shouting out to her. No doubt she had seen more of the oysters. Rivin put on an extra burst of speed and darted into the ship. Now… where was it? Ahh! There! Finding an old, somewhat rusted bucket she grabbed the handle and took off back to where the cub was waiting.

Then Rivin dropped it on the black sand, grinned as she looked back toward Saga. "Here we go! Try to keep as much sand out as possible. We'll have to be careful and wash the other bits of sand off later in the tide pools. Now we can collect lots and lots of oysters!" She had turned and started to dig up an oyster herself, hefty paws working at the sand.

"Talk," 'Think.'