
Clubbing baby seals



"In Light, Justice; In Shadow, Vengeance"


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

2 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverSamhain 20221K
10-22-2022, 11:52 PM

Somehow skinning the pup was relaxing, so long as she did not let her crystalline gaze linger too long upon it's face. She continued to work her teeth and occasionally paws beneath the hide, dirtying herself further but slowly working the pelt to detatch from the flesh. It was something she could see herself doing again and again, the tedious task requiring a delicate focus and allowing her wandering mind to still.

Kyanite gave her answer and Vanta gave her a soft apologetic smile, assuming her words meant she was struggling a bit. "If you mess up the pelt, you can take the meat instead." The pup suggested. She even threw in a compliment, to build back up her disabled sister's ego. "You're stronger than me, I'm sure you'd have a better job carrying it then I would. That's why I'm just taking the pelt."

Finally the layers of sinew beneath fur were detatched and the pelt for the most part flopped off the corpse. There were still the limbs and head attached (Vanta didn't think that part through) but the torso had been flayed open and out. She was not taking the head - she didn't even want to look at the head - but she'd need to sever the rest. Waiting until Kite had another break, she called her sister over for more assistance. "Can you cut here, and here, and here, and here - " Motioning to each limb and encircling the upper thighs of each with a dull claw, to show. "- ..... and, here, I guess." Less enthusiastically and with a much more vague gesture, she alluded to the head and neck fur still attached.
