
Hallucination Caves Altar


The Syndicate

Expert Healer (175)

Novice Intellectual (20)

3 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
10-23-2022, 12:36 AM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2022, 11:12 PM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 4 times in total.)
Strange things were happening. Phantom found himself somewhere he'd never been before, his mother lingering somewhere nearby while he went to investigate the trail of wolves that were surrounding what appeared to be some sort of strange statues. Things were different though as he got closer to these caves. He swore there were colors in things where it normally didn't exist, and his head felt light and fuzzy. Stars adorned the roof of the cave, and all around him were butterflies fluttering around him. They were mesmerizing, but not as mesmerizing as the strange statue that he now stood before. Purple gaze moved over every bit and piece of the statue, and he felt pretty drawn to it.

He approached the statue, reaching out a paw to touch it and felt a strange energy coming from it. Or maybe he thought he felt a weird energy...he wasn't sure. After all, the night sky was shining inside a cave and butterflies were lifting things they shouldn't have been able to lift. He placed down a crown made of little purple flowers that looked like stars themselves. He couldn't remember what they were called, but he had found them and made something out of them. Who better to give it to then this statue? He watched as the butterflies lifted it onto the strange wolf statues head, and then he sat back and watched it in awe, wondering what sort of beast this was and if it was ever alive at one point in time.


The dark pup brought a purple crown of flowers and the creatures chirped excitedly, taking it and promptly replacing the seaweed bracelet with the new crown. The all stood for a moment and made approving noises, the seaweed anklet nearly all forgotten. After their moment of awe passed, a shiny-looking hedgehog scrambled to give the wolf its gift before gently ushering him on.

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Staff: Claimed 11/27/22 for Akuma ~Beau-tifullyWritten